Sound Masking Privacy Solutions
Corporations & Small Businesses
Consult any HR professional about the extraordinary importance around financial, personal, and medical privacy and you will get an earful (pun intended). The privacy of these matters is governed by regulation and deemed a fundamental right to protect private information.
The Facts Don’t Lie
The bottom line is that any business that processes sensitive data must make a conscious effort to protect the private information of its clients and employees.
Extreme efforts are taken to protect data and information – hard copies of files and records are often stored with controlled access. But what about voice? Speech privacy in the workplace is no longer an option—it’s essential.
Hospitals & Medical Facilities
Sound levels are on the rise in hospitals. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that, on average, worldwide hospital sound volume had increased from 57 to 72 decibels. These sound levels continue to climb every year. This will clearly continue to lead to a decline in patient satisfaction, but it also suggests that a facility may be at risk of losing HIPAA compliance.
Military, Law & Government
Many businesses are concerned with noise because it cuts into productivity and therefore profits. What do you do when a leaked conversation or plan of action compromises security or puts lives at stake?